Virtual Photography is ART! (again)
On Saturday September the 21st, 2024, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Museum Of Modern Art "Donazione Meli" in Luzzana (Bergamo, Italy) has once again exhibited one of my screenshots of Virtual Photography, specifically my "Caravaggesque" from Alice Madness Returns. This work was my personal donation to the Museum after my previous exhibition dated 2021, like italians museums are used to ask. Unlike my previous "personale" exhibition, focused only of my Virtual Photography work, this time my print was exhibited among other contributors which happen to belong to many different arts, from photography to painting to sculpture.
The Yordian Knot
In Jusant, however, it is the architectural structures that cover the supernatural share of the product. While the areas inhabited by the local population recall the sea and the life of fishermen with a few hints of fantasy (for example the cave with the enormous flying jellyfish), the architectural structures that act as a bridge between the various game levels are instead highly technological, almost science fiction, reminiscent of classic works by Studio Ghibli and Gainax
The Day Virtual Photography was acknowledged as “Photography” by an Authority in the Field
“In 10 years from now, Virtual Photography will be exhibited in the most prestigious museums of the world and these are the facts and moments that are opening doors and paving roads for the whole community amidst everyone’s silence and indifference. I wonder if the first among us that will be exhibited in a world-famous museum will see beyond his very ego and understand how many people worked behind the scenes for years to make that moment possibile.”
My Experience With Museums and Art Critics
“What did I learn from this whole experience? I learned that outside the Gaming bubble, Virtual Photography is still an object of mistery and that the Art Community is more open minded and inclusive than the Gaming Community itself”
The 5 Levels Of Virtual Photography
“As far as modern Photo Modes go, the options are increasingly complex and tiresome to master, that’s why many users prefer to take full frontal captures, add a color filter and post their work on social media with no added trickery”