A Common Misconception About Virtual Photography
“There’s a reason if some Virtual Photographers are noticed and rewarded by big publishers and others are not. And the reason is that it’s not the subject of the capture that can buy someone’s respect, It’s your personal contribution and the idea behind it that sells your work.”
“Negative Space” in Virtual Photography feat. Jenny Karlsson
“In Virtual Photography, Negative Space provides a powerful sense of scale to the whole composition and (occasionally) generates a deep feeling of solitude”
My Experience With Museums and Art Critics
“What did I learn from this whole experience? I learned that outside the Gaming bubble, Virtual Photography is still an object of mistery and that the Art Community is more open minded and inclusive than the Gaming Community itself”
The 5 Levels Of Virtual Photography
“As far as modern Photo Modes go, the options are increasingly complex and tiresome to master, that’s why many users prefer to take full frontal captures, add a color filter and post their work on social media with no added trickery”